Thursday, 2 July 2009

End of month review

I feel I have finally cracked it as I have changed a few things and I haven't had a losing day since, in fact everyday has been a winning day apart from 1 break even day. Finished over $9000 up for the month even though I had a horrible tilt session which cost me £4000 and I ended up taking about 4 days off because of it.

My target for this month is to reach $10,000 or more but it may be tricky considering I will be spending 3 days in Switzerland on the piss watching Liverpool and I dont know weather to take my laptop with me or not. Plus I want to play a lot more golf this month, slowly getting the hang of it but I have bruised my ribs which could slow things up a bit :(

Anyway time for bed have to be up early to play golf tomorrow and then hopefully my car will be out the garage :( had nothing but problems since I bought the bloody thing.

Roll on St Gallen and Florida!


Kev B said...

Lends a tenner

JusticeFT96 said...

You're rich enough!! I have seen you clean up on them omaha tables.

Kev B said...

im poor :(

well for 2 weeks anyway,

ill let you stake me in some multi's if you want ;) ha ha

Im playing some small limit multi's on PStars and FTilt tonight, ill keep an eye on betfair aswell

Kev B said...

good job you didnt stake me tonight, i would have had to pay you loadssss back, come 2nd in a $26 multi omaha (300 odd runnners) for $1000, 4th on a ultimate bet $55 game for $1250, 19 i think on another tilt for $200 (cost $24) and the $200 on 2 stars games, withdrew a fair chunk, left abit in and won 4k cash (thats £££) on full tilt omaha 2/4 cash tables ha ha ha, what a night, sank 1 jack daniels and got 1/4 of black jim bean left yum yum yum haha, roll on tomorrow for more drunkin messy omaha cash games Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

kev B

JusticeFT96 said...

haha is right you are richhhhhh make sure you dont waste it!