Saturday 2 April 2011

Lack of motivation to post

Not really been arsed to post after feb as it was a proper shit month and left me not wanting to think about posting because I wanted to forget about that month altogether. Although I made over $4k it just wasnt good enough.

March however turned around, nearly $21k with winnings, rakeback and blackcard cash bonus has made me feel a lot better and playing with more confidence is really paying off. I am already over $3200 up for April alone without rakeback or bonuses counted so a really good start and I hope it continues!

My roi so far this month is unreal and I know it wont last but I have played around 86 games and my roi is something like 56% below I have copied from sharkscope my last 50 games.

Also I have been hunting down a player recently, I had him as a really bad player although this roi wasnt too bad his play stunk a long time ago and I seen him play a $200 game about a month ago. Anyway I caught him in a $50 game a few weeks ago, I won, then I seen he jumped instantly to a $100 game so I thought ahhhh thats how your playing then. Anyway, I won $50, $100, $200 got to $500 I lose and he fucks off to $30 games and I am livid.

Anyway he has been doing this all month now and I have had runs vs him 50, 100, 200, 500, 1k, 1k then losing 3 1k games back mainly to running bad with cards because he is a maniac who all ins all the time and when getting cards they are not holding. One day I will take this guy for $10k I am sure. He played one night when I was not around, lost 50, 100, 200, 500, 1k, 1k, 1k, 1k and 1k, then he played my friend pognon in a $5k and beat him then fucked off back down to $30 games, pretty sick huh?

Anyway here is the screenshot I said I would make and if you havent already done so make your way over to Azimuts blog, the link is over there to the left, some great poker stories on there a few about me too.

Best of luck


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey man noticed you ain't be playing in ages all ok in thailand?